Healthy Wedding Day Skin



By LaFleur Magazine

Naturally, every bride wants to look great on her wedding day, and feeling great is just as important! Feelings of love and excitement lend to that beautiful bridal glow, however, stress leading up to the big day can take a toll on the body and skin. As stress affects hormonal balance, which may lead to pesky breakouts or imbalances, the skin is prone to breakouts and even overly dry skin.
Author, Saimaa Miller, naturopath and founder of, The Last Resort, located in Australia, has devised this 6-week intensive pre-nuptial skin routine for radiant wedding day skin, which focuses on nutrition, hydration and other healing and restorative techniques.
Diet & Nutrition
For healthy wedding day skin, a healthy and clean diet plan should be be on top priority, according to Miller. "The diet I put brides-to-be on is strict, but really effective: no caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy, and no processed foods. But, there are plenty of things you can have such as loads of high-fiber vegetables, which help circulation, support skin's elasticity and provide antioxidants to kill free radicals in the body. 

Maintaining hydration is also recommended by Miller. "Plan to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, especially if exercising. Water is the best thing for beautifully dewy soft skin as it helps the body flush out toxins, hormones and bi-products."

Body Brushing

Another important part of a wedding day skin routine, is body brushing. Body brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, exfoliates the surface of the skin and prevents ingrown hairs. To help rid the body of toxins, fatigue and water retention, use a firm natural bristle brush once a day first thing in the morning before having a shower. "Start at the toes and work your way up the legs, concentrating on the pelvic area where there are a lot of lymph nodes. Move up to the tummy area doing clockwise circular movements, up around the breast tissue and then from hands to the heart area," says Miller.

Another suggestion for preparing for radiant wedding day skin is colon therapy. According to Miller, "The colon, or the large intestine, stores a lot of toxins and bi-products. Cleansing the colon re-hydrates the large intestine, which really makes the skin vibrant and the eyes sparkle." Miller suggests booking a colonic irrigation once a week for three weeks in the lead up to the big day.


Aussie Body Diet & Detox Plan, by Saama Miller
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